Bringing some relief to the crisis-ridden KSRTC, the state Cabinet on Thursday sanctioned around Rs 250 crore for the Corporation – including Rs 52.27 crore from Plan fund and Rs 200 crore from the Capital Expenditure head.
The government also decided to stand guarantor to KSRTC for taking a loan of Rs 300 crore to meet other requirements. However, the much-touted KSRTC revival package for meeting pension requirements of thousands of KSRTC pensioners were not discussed. Speaking after a special cabinet meeting on Thursday, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said that the pensioners’ issues were not discussed during Thursday’s cabinet meeting.
As a financial assistance to KSRTC, the government has decided to allot Rs 52.27 crore form the Plan fund. It has also been decided to release Rs 200 crore to KSRTC under the Capital Expenditure head for buying new buses. Asked about the revival package, Chandy said it has not been discussed. “It was not discussed. Now the financial assistance is being given as part of temporary measures and for buying buses,” Chandy said.
With this, the KSRTC pensioners who were eagerly waiting for the government to take a final decision, have once again been left in the lurch.
New Indian Express