Accident Reports

ഈ അപകടദൃശ്യം ശ്രദ്ധിക്കൂ… ആരാണ് ഇവിടെ കുറ്റക്കാരൻ?

By Aanavandi

January 08, 2020

In just about every state there’s a requirement that states that anyone driving an emergency vehicle in emergency mode (with BOTH lights and sirens activated) may violate traffic laws but are required to drive with due regard for others.

Due regard is a legal term that when boiled down to plain English means you can do anything you want, right up until it causes a problem for another driver or pedestrian. You don’t even have to hit the other person and you can be held responsible for an accident.

For example, if you’re driving fast and aggressively, perhaps right on the tail of someone who won’t pull over, and they get spooked and run into a parked car as they finally attempt to get out of the way. When they tell their story about the crazy ambulance that scared them and kept pulling up on their bumper to the investigating police officer, guess who’s getting the citation.

Careless Action by Car driver; Ambulance met Accident in Kerala – CCTV Footage

That’s right. Even though you were going to the unresponsive, not breathing 4 month-old baby, you’re the one that’s going to be held responsible for the crash because you didn’t drive with due regard for the safety of others.

Civilians think we’re all adrenaline junkies who love driving fast and blowing red lights. That lasts about a week until you realize the full implications of driving an ambulance in emergency mode. Then it becomes a very stressful chore you do because you have to, not because it’s exciting or fun.