No Volvo buses will be allowed to violate rules once they get inside the Kerala border, Rishiraj Singh, Road Transport Commissioner, has said. He was speaking to the civil police officers during the special training programme meant to create awareness on road safety at the AR Camp Conference Hall on Friday.
“We have fixed 65 km per hour as the speed limit on our roads and all vehicles from outside, including Volvo busses, must follow this rule once they get inside Kerala border, irrespective of the rules and regulations they have in their state. Volvo bus owners had approached the High Court seeking relaxation for this and the case is in the High Court now,” the commissioner said. He has given strict instructions to beef up checkups four to six times a day to trace whether Volvo buses violate the rules or not. “If the Volvo buses are seen violating the rules, take immediate action against them without fear or favour,” the commissioner added.
He explained the rule which gives power to the state to fix its own convenient speed. As per Section 112 of the All-India Motor Vehicles Act, the state government has the power to restrict the speed of motor vehicles in the interest of public safety or convenience or because of the nature of any road or bridge, by notification in the official gazette and by causing appropriate traffic signs to be placed or erected under Section 116 in suitable places, fix such maximum speed limits or minimum speed limits as it thinks fit for motor vehicles or any specified class or description of motor vehicles or for motor vehicles to which a trailer is attached, either generally or in a particular area or on a particular road or roads.
“As per this rule, we have fixed the speed limit in our roads as 65 km/hour against the national permitted speed of 85 km/hour. In Kerala, the rule made by the state prevails and we should take action against all vehicles which violate the rules whether it is Volvo or any other vehicle,” the commissioner added.
He also said that 90 cameras had been installed in Kerala from Thiruvananthapuram to Manjeswaram to trace traffic violations.
He also sought the use of social media for implementing the law strictly. “All police officers must open a Facebook and Whatsapp account. This account can be used for receiving complaints and action can be taken immediately,” the commissioner added. He also said that the number of road accident cases in the state was very high when compared to other states. “We must work together to bring down the number of accident cases,” the commissioner added.
Source: New Indian Express