The Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) on Thursday issued a circular directing the employees and trade unions to desist from lightning strike, dharna and gherao.
The internal circular issued by chairman and managing director Antony Chacko says that the employees of all sections and trade unions should keep away from lightning strike, dharna in front of the KSRTC offices and rooms of officers and gherao that affect the smooth functioning of the Corporation.
“The tendency on the part of the employees to go in for strike has been increasing and they opt for it even for petty issues. The strikes are making huge loss to the KSRTC, hindering its smooth functioning apart from damaging its image and causing hardships to the public,” the circular says.
“The employees should strictly follow the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 and action will taken against those who make lapses in that. All unit heads should inform the chief office if they notice violation of the Act provisions by mentioning the names of the employees who are taking part in the strike, who were on duty and who were not,” it further says.
Source: New Indian Express