With the beginning of the Malayalam month of Karkidakam (July 16), the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) is all set to launch a Nalambalam special service, connecting the Sree Rama Swamy temple at Triprayar, Bharata temple at Koodalmanikyam in Irinjalakuda, Sree Lakshmana Perumal temple at Moozhikulam and Sathrughna Swamy temple at Payammal – all within 35km radius in Thrissur district.
T N Prathapan MLA told TOI said the pilgrim service was mooted owing to great demand from devotees. “Of late, there has been an increase in the number of pilgrims visiting these temples. Many depend on private pilgrim tour operators or spend a huge amount to cover all the four temples in the season. The KSRTC Nalambalam service will be beneficial to both the devotees and the KSRTC,” he said.
Prathapan said the service has already been sanctioned by the transport authorities. KSRTC zonal officer (Thrissur) Easter Yashica told TOI that the Thrissur zone had requested the higher authorities to permit 255 new services in the zone and the Nalambalam service is one among them. “A final decision on the timing of the route will be taken at the earliest,” he said.Triprayar temple manager Kashinathan told TOI that the KSRTC service was a welcome move.
“During the Karkidakam month, at least 80,000 devotees visit the temple everyday. The Nalambalam visit starts from our temple. If the KSRTC authorities are able to arrange maximum services and connection services, it will be helpful for the devotees,” he said.
Source: Times Of India