
Man Drives Burning Oil Tanker Away From Fuel Station, Saves Lives

By Aanavandi

March 27, 2018

Man Drives Burning Oil Tanker Away From Fuel Station, Saves Lives

The sudden action of an alert driver of a petrol tanker saved many lives in Narsinghpur district of Madhya Pradesh.

Without caring for his own safety, Sajid drove a burning oil tanker away from the petrol station, where a number of vehicles had queued up for fuel.

The video captured by a passer-by on his phone shows a blazing ball of fire on the road, as people panicked and ran, and motorcyclists tried to take shelter in a shed on the roadside. There was panic in the area until fire engines arrived.

Sajid narrated that soon as he saw the tanker catch fire, he thought he must somehow move the truck away from the underground storage of the petrol station. “It would have been an inferno if the fire had spread to the storage area,” Sajid said.

Sajid has suffered burn injuries on his hands and is being treated at a local hospital in Narsinghpur. How the fuel tanker caught fire is not quite clear.

Narsinghpur town, which is 225 kilometre from state capital Bhopal is a popular tourist place. There are a number of sites which are of archaeological significance including a cave where the Adi Guru Shankracharya meditated.