Have you ever got a blanket in our Garuda Volvo Bus?
Are you aware about the services provided by KSRTC in its premium service, Garuda Volvo which runs from Thiruvananthapuram to Bangalore?
Most of the passengers travelling in this bus is not aware about the supply of blanket and a bottle of mineral water. If you are travelling from Thiruvananthapuram to Bangalore or from Bangalore to Ernakulam or further, you can claim the above facilities.
Compared to Karnataka RTC’s Airavat Volvo, Here you need to ask for a blanket and water to the conductor. In Airavat, you can see the blanket on your seat, once you board the bus.
According to the officials of KSRTC, they have given the instructions to the staff to give the blanket and a bottle of water without any hesitation. Adequate number of blankets are provided to the depot for serving in the bus. The blankets are sponsored by KTDFC.
But most of the time, you may need to ask the same to the conductor for getting a blanket to save yourself from the cold.
We have received a reply from the authorities of Kerala RTC about our previous post which compares the Airavat and Garuda Volvo services. The officials claim that they are providing all the facilities to the passengers and we are writing wrong information in the blog.
So, we are asking the same question to our readers again. Share your comments here.